Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mini Moose Very Tired

Mini Moose has had a very long and tiring weekend at YC. Once he's able to, he and I will put together and post all his YC adventures. For now I'll post one for you all.
This is Mini Moose up on stage.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mini Moose at YC 2014

Mini Moose is going to be quite busy this weekend. He is busy working at YC. 
Here he is looking with anticipation at the stage waiting for the doors to open and kids to come in.
Here Mini Moose is enjoying the 4 king and country concert.

And here Mini Moose is at awe of the beauty of thousands of cell phones up in the air while everyone sings Amazing Grace.

Please forgive the layout of the next few posts. I'm just learning how to use the blogger app and so far it's not working very well.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mini Moose Makes Friends

Mini Moose likes to meet new friends. Here are a few he has met in the last few months.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mini Moose Slipped! No worries, He's ok :)

First of all, Mini moose is fine :)
This is a picture from when Liquidation World was still open. After mopping the floor,
 Mini Moose ran too fast and slipped.
He was laying there for a long time, but laughing the whole time. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mini Moose Ice Cream

Mini moose was so happy when we found a serving of ice cream just the right size for him! Nothing like sitting back after a long day of work with a little bit of ice cream.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mini Moose Enjoying Sunshine

During this winter there were some days that got so cold that no one wanted to go outside, not even Mini Moose. On this day he and I were headed back home for Christmas. It was a beautiful day for driving. :)

Mini Moose Loves Morning Coffee

Mini Moose loves to sit back on his days off and sip an iced coffee. This day he decided to go get one from McDonalds. The McCafe iced coffees are a cool refreshing treat every once in a while.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mini Moose is a lil sick

Mini Moose hasn't been feeling too adventurous today. He's been a bit under the weather. He is feeling somewhat better and agreed that I could let you all know that he will be adventuring again soon.
However, just because he's feeling under the weather that doesn't mean I can't share with you some of his previous adventures.
I know Christmas was a few months ago and we did just get rid of the last of the snow, but since Mini Moose needs to just rest, I will share with you his 12 Days Of Christmas.
On the first day of Christmas Mini Moose got
A large container of Nutella
On the second day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Two cans of coke
A large container of Nutella
On the third day of Christmas Mimi Moose got
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the fourth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the fifth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the sixth day of Christmas Mimi Moose got
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the seventh day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the eighth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Eight Christmas presents
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the ninth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Nine tiny lights
Eight Christmas presents
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the tenth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Ten Christmas cookies
Nine tiny lights
Eight Christmas presents
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the eleventh day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Eleven Christmas dishes
Ten Christmas cookies
Nine tiny lights
Eight Christmas presents
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella
On the twelfth day of Christmas Mini Moose got
Twellllllve Christmas CAAAAARDS!
Eleven Christmas dishes
Ten Christmas cookies
Nine tiny lights
Eight Christmas presents
Seven Christmas stockings
Six marshmallows
Fiiiiiiive Ferrero Rochets!
Four packs of Hot Chocolate
Three house keys
Two cans of Coke
A large container of Nutella

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mini Moose's Adventures begin

Hey Blogger world, I want you to help me by welcoming Mini Moose to the blogging world. He travels, he hangs out and he loves to share his fun times. His adventures happen daily, and I will try my best to keep up with him and keep you updated on his adventures, but he sometimes is so fast I might bot be able to post his everyday fun times. With that said,
Please welcome
Mini Moose